March 2015 Income Report

In looking towards the future, I’ve decided to record the journey (and hopefully growth of this blog) – and particularly the financial journey of this blog.

This month was blog launch month…and we didn’t really launch until the end of the month. Our primary goal this month was to gain more exposure and traffic.

Yes…we spent more than came in this month, and that’s kind of expected. We don’t even sell a product right now!

Here is our basic in/out.


Amazon Affiliate: $5.82

Google Adsense:$ 0.08


Pinterest Engagement Ads: $7.87

Pinterest Traffic Ads: $30.00

Facebook Ads: $30


Total:$5.90 – $67.87 = -$61.97


Other stats:

New email subscribers: 2

Unique visitors this month: 126


So, not that exciting, but it’s a start. Honestly, we weren’t even expecting a single dollar, so that’s awesome that we approached almost a whole five of them. Stay optimistic!