The Ultimate Guide to Beginning Yoga

Ah… What images does it conjure up in your mind? Dark rooms and nature music? Yoga pants that are never worn while actually doing yoga? Hippies and soccer moms chanting together in Sanskrit? Whatever you think it is, we’re here to tell you that what comes to your mind first is probably not the case.

In fact, you could really benefit from taking up yoga.

Believe it or not, yoga is not the same as the photos of spandex-clad women posing on the top of mountains flooding your instagram feed. In fact, one thing beginners may be surprised to learn is that yoga poses (also known as asanas) are only a piece of yoga practice.

  1. What is Yoga?
  2. The Eight Limbs of Yoga
  3. Getting Started with Gear
  4. The Many Styles of Yoga
  5. Basic Poses and Sequences You Can Try Today
  6. Deeper Learning
  7. Home vs. Studio Practice
  8. Your First Yoga Class
  9. Preventing Injuries
  10. Putting it all Together

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Yoga is a 5000 year old philosophy on life from India about harmonizing the body, breathe, and mind to become a more “whole” person.  In approximately 400 AD/CE, a dude named Patanjali pulled together the 196 statements that serve as a philosophical guide to the practice of yoga. These statements are outlined in the book “Yoga Sutra”  – which is pretty much the “classic” yoga book every serious yogi/yogini (or beginner yogi/yogini) should get around to reading at one point or another.

Fun fact – male practitioners of yoga are called “yogis” while female practitioners of yoga are called “yoginis”. For some reason though, everyone seems to call a practitioner of yoga a yogi…

A guy named Edwin Bryant summarized Patanjali’s description of yoga as  “Yoga essentially consists of meditative practices culminating in attaining a state of consciousness free from all modes of active or discursive thought, and of eventually attaining a state where consciousness is unaware of any object external to itself, that is, is only aware of its own nature as consciousness unmixed with any other object.” Yes, that sounds like some new agey shit, but bear with us here – it’s not that crazy.

There are a lot of common misconceptions about yoga. Let’s address these now:

Yoga is not:

Yoga does not:

Yoga is:

Basically, you don’t have to have gymnast flexibility or a fancy outfit to discover the benefits of yoga. You just need to put aside time to practice and clear your mind of all of the day’s bullshit.

Oh, and by the way, there are many benefits to yoga. These are just some we found from the American Osteopathic Association (osteopathic docs are just like MDs, except they place more emphasis on the musculoskeletal system and how it affects our health) and a roundup of scholarly articles from sonima. The practice of yoga:

Shooooots. With these kind of benefits, why wouldn’t you practice yoga?

Yoga vs. Stretching

Stretching is the lengthening, flexing, or stretching specific muscles or tendons to improve flexibility and decrease risk of injury.

The physical practice of yoga takes the act of stretching and adds in the elements of breathe, focus, alignment, strength, and balance. It may not even include stretching at all. For example, a strong lunge position such as a warrior pose may not focus on stretching certain muscles, but rather strengthening them.

The Yoga Bitches/Jerks

Warning: If you decide to start practicing yoga seriously, you may come across some “holier-than-thou” type yogis. They can vary in appearance from the lululemon clad bitches who judge you as soon as you walk in the studio to the substance/sugar/meat free individuals who have a “I’m morally and spiritually superior than you” type air to them. Ignore these people. You do you. This is not about them. Get to class, get on your mat, and get on with your practice. In that way, you’re already better than them in some aspects of yoga.

The same Pantajali dude we just referenced also developed what are called “the eight limbs of yoga”. These are eight principles (or “limbs) that guide yoga practice. They traditionally refer to Ashtanga yoga – a type of yoga we’ll discuss in the next section – but can be applied to pretty much any style of yoga practice.

In the eight limbs of yoga, samadhi can be thought of as the ultimate “goal” of yoga. It can be elusive. The idea of confining the mind or fixing it in a well-defined space can sound strange to the beginner, but is something that you may find yourself seeking as you practice more. And with practice, it may become more plausible and attainable.

You may notice that yoga clothing is body hugging. This is not meant as a way to show off hot yoga bods, but is rather a purely functional (okay…and sometimes stylish) choice. Just like how cyclists’ outfits are tight to reduce wind drag, yoga clothes stick to the body so they don’t ride up or fall down when in different poses. As you could imagine, going in to downward dog and having your shirt go over your head is distracting.

Here is the minimum of what you’ll need to get started:

Once you decide to commit to yoga, you may choose to pick up:

How to Pick Your Mat

A mat is a personal choice. Which one you choose depends on what you like. Mats vary depending on:

Another big question is, should you buy an expensive mat?

Like my pop-pop always said –

“if it goes between you and the ground, don’t skimp out on it”

He meant it to not cheap out on purchasing a bed, tires, or shoes. But perhaps a yoga mat may fit in that description, too.

If you think yoga sounds like something you can get into, we say go for the good stuff. After all, it’s pretty much the only piece of gear you really need. Plus, they feel super nice. If you haven’t felt one, get yourself over to an REI or other outdoors retailer to cop a feel for yourself.

Yoga mats also have a “break-in” period where they’re not quite yet their ideal grippy-ness. A mat can be broken in simply by using it a bunch, while others recommend doing a little spa exfoliation of your mat by rubbing it with a salt and water mixture.


Certain props can help you move forward in your yoga practice. The most common ones you’ll see are yoga straps and blocks.

Yoga blocks can help you out when you just don’t have the flexibility or alignment you need to complete a pose, need a bit of extra stability, or can use some extra support. Blocks make poses more attainable and comfortable while you’re working towards getting the whole way there. Even for advanced practitioners, yoga blocks can help deepen stretches and ensure proper alignment.

They come in different materials with the two most common being cork and foam (although you may see an occasional wood one). Materials vary mostly in their durability, weight, and softness.

Foam blocks are the least expensive and most cushy, but are not as durable. Cork blocks aren’t as soft and are heavier, but are more durable and look kinda neat (at least to us). Wood blocks are hard and can be slippery. We would recommend a foam block or two to start off with.

Yoga straps also help you by providing additional support, alignment, and reach where you need it. Can’t quite touch your toes? Place a yoga strap around them to gently move into the pose without straining yourself or throwing off alignment. Awesome!

You may also encounter yoga bolsters or supports, which support your body and help you into a more relaxing position – which is great for restorative yoga.


There are many different styles of yoga.

Let’s cover the ones that you’re most likely to come across as a beginner.


Combining breathe with a series of postures, ashtanga yoga helps to purify the body and improve circulation, flexibility, mental clarity, and strength. It primarily focuses on the eight limbs of yoga we mentioned above.

Ashtanga is a good choice if you get bored with slower workouts or are a more athletic beginner. As an FYI, power yoga and vinyasa yoga are derived from this style of practice.


A standardized set of 26 poses practiced in a 104 degree room for 90 minutes. The element of heat adds an additional challenge for beginners. If you plan on attending a Bikram yoga class, be sure to hydrate properly before class, as you will sweat….a lot.


Hatha is a gentle flowing series of postures combined with breathe, meditation, and kundalani to help the practitioner achieve self-realization. Its ease of learning and gentle poses make it a great style for beginners to start off with.


Hot yoga is similar to Bikram – but only in the way that it is practiced in a heated room. Hot yoga is more free-form and can include postures outside of the 26 included in Bikram. So…its like other types of yoga, but hot. Hence…”hot yoga”.


The “yoga of awareness”, kundalani focuses on awakening the spirit and energy within via postures, meditation, breathing exercises, and mantras.


Restorative yoga restores the body and mind through slowly moving through relaxing poses and being still for long periods of time. You’ll find restorative yoga uses a lot of props to really help your body and mind relax. Restorative yoga is great if you’re burnt out or find your mind isn’t firing on all cylinders.


Vinyasa yoga is a more physical type of ashtanga yoga. In a vinyasa yoga class, you’ll find yourself moving through sun salutations and other sequences while coordinating the breathe between poses. Power yoga is similar to vinyasa, but may include more challenging poses and less rest between poses.

Other types of yoga include anusara, forrest, integral, iyengar, jivamukti, and yin.

This list may be overwhelming to a beginner which is why we recommend not to worry too much about style when you’re first starting out. Feel free to experiment with all types.

However, if you do want to stick to a particular style as a beginner we recommend hatha for its easy, gentle movements.

Once again, we’re going to take a step back to the 8 limbs of yoga. If you may recall, one of the eight limbs is “asanas”, or postures/poses.   A posture is a fancy way of saying the place and way in which one sits.

You’ll find that the Sanskrit name of most poses end is “asana”. For example, warrior pose’s Sanskrit name is “virabhadrasana” while locust pose is “salabhasana”. This means should you want to memorize the traditional names of poses, you at least have three syllables already done. Look at you….so pro already!

Below are some poses you can try right now. They’re all great for beginners.

Simply hold each pose for 20-60 seconds depending on your comfort in the pose. For example, if a pose is particularly difficult for you, 20 seconds may be all you need. If you can already do the pose, holding it for longer (30 seconds up to a couple of minutes) can help improve your flexibility and strength.

Be sure to concentrate on your breathe while you move through each pose.

Easy Pose (a.k.a Sukhasana)

Downward Facing Dog (a.k.a Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Extended Triangle Pose (a.k.a Utthita Trikonasana)

Extended Side Angle Pose (a.k.a Utthita Parsvakonasana)

Staff Pose (a.k.a Dandasana)

Seated Forward Bed (a.k.a Paschimottanasana)

Bound Angle Pose (a.k.a Baddha Konasana)

Wide Angle Pose (a.k.a Upavistha Konasana)

Boat Pose (a.k.a Navasana)

Locust Pose (a.k.a Salabhasana)

Supported Bridge Pose (a.k.a Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

Legs Up the Wall Pose (a.k.a Viparita Karani)

Savasana (a.k.a Corpse Pose)


When we move from pose to pose, we are doing what is called “sequencing”. If you’ve ever taken a class or done a video, you’ve already gone through sequences of moves. We’ll start with two sequences to get you going:


We scoured the yoga forums, countless websites, and message boards. These books were the books that came as most recommended to beginners. Yoga Sutra is the “classic” yoga book that every yogi/yogini looking to evolve their practice should read. Light on Yoga and Yoga: The Spirit and Practice of Moving into Stillness also came highly recommended. For those more interested in how the body uses muscles, joints, ligaments, and other aspects while practicing yoga, be sure to check out the yoga anatomy book.

These books came as the most recommended for beginners looking to understand what the practice of yoga is all about.

The argument of which is better, home practice or studio practice is a long-waging war within yoga circles. Those on the “studio” side tout that there is nothing better than learning yoga directly from a teacher, while those on the “home” side believe that if costs and commutes to a studio are reasons why someone decides not to pick up yoga, then home practice is a completely viable alternative for them and should be encouraged.

Below, we’ll cover the pros and cons of practicing yoga at home versus practicing yoga at a studio:

Home Practice


Home practice is best if:


Home practice may not be best for you if:

Studio Practice


Studio Practice is best if:


Studio practice may not be best for you if:

Where you decide to practice is a personal choice. However, we would recommend to beginners that they take a few classes at a studio to get the gist of things before moving to practicing at home. But if you’d like to get started at home instead, here are a few places where you can find videos and resources for beginners.

  1. Yoga with Adrienne
  2. YogaYak
  3. Do Yoga With Me
  4. Esther Ekhart
  5. Videos from your  good ol’fashioned local library

Other Learning Resources


Before we can talk about your first yoga class, we have to point out that your experience will be different if you decide to take a class at your local studio or at your gym. There are a few differences you should be aware of:

Studio: experience built around yoga, multiple different classes/styles, pay per class/monthly/yearly, soothing environment, more experienced teachers, you can probably find one within a stone’s throw of your house

Gym: experience built around working out, one or two different classes/styles, typically included in a gym membership cost, perhaps not a soothing environment, teachers typically newer, let you get your cardio and yoga in at the same time

Your First Class

For your first class there are really only a few things you need to know

  1. Wear yoga appropriate clothes (things that won’t fall over your head or get in the way)
  2. There should be mats and props there for you to borrow
  3. You may want to refrain from eating right beforehand until you know how your stomach reacts to the workout
  4. If you would like, let the instructor know that you’re a beginner and/or if you have any conditions that need special treatment

The “Flow” of a Class

This is just an example. Please note that not every class will follow the same sequences of events and/or poses.

  1. The class will typically begin with a simple breathing exercise or meditation to get your mind relaxed and ready for class
  2. There will then be a “warm-up” type period where you may do some stretches to get your body ready for sun salutations
  3. Do some sun salutations (or other sequences)
  4. Move into yoga poses
    1. standing poses
    2. arm balances
    3. inversions (these are usually in advanced classes only. If they do these in the class you’re attending, it’s totally appropriate to just hang out in a comfy pose)
    4. upper body poses
    5. backbends
    6. twists
    7. forwards bends
    8. etc.
  5. Relax as you come into savasana – or corpse pose for a few minutes to relax after a well-done class

Frequency of Practice

How often should you practice? That’s up to you. You can practice yoga every day if you want to – as evidenced by the popular instagram hashtag of #yogaeverydamnday

While it’s gentler than other exercises, yoga still poses a risk of injury – especially when it is not practiced correctly. Some of the more common injuries include those of the wrist, back, and knees. Let’s briefly discuss some key takeaways to avoid injury while practicing yoga.

Rule #1: Always Warm-Up Before Attempting Challenging Poses

Protecting Your Wrists

Protecting Your Back

Protecting Your Knees

When in doubt, listen to your body and don’t push it

Yoga with Existing Injuries

Since we don’t know what your specific injury is over the interwebz, our only advice to you can be to go to a class and let your teacher know, or head to a doctor or other healthcare provider for some qualified medical advice.


Yoga is a great way to relax, breathe, clear your mind, and challenge your body.

Just remember that yoga is a practice. It takes practice to improve and perfect poses. It can take just as much time to quiet your mind for more than a few seconds and just sit still.

Regardless, we sincerely hope that you pick up yoga as an activity you enjoy. It has so many benefits that we think you may be crazy to not.

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Disclaimer: The information presented herein is offered only as-is for informational and educational purposes and is not a substitute for the professional judgment of a medical professional.Use your own discretion when performing any postures. Work at your own level and explore your own limits. The reader and viewer of the information presented by this site assumes all risks when using the information provided herein. This site’s operators, authors, owners, and affiliates disclaim any and all liability from the information provided herein. Any medical, financial, legal, health, psychological or other information provided on this site is not intended as a replacement for professional consultations with qualified practitioners.